Local versus National Historic Districts

Differences Between Local & National Historic Districts
 National Register of Historic PlacesLocal Historic Districts & Historic Properties
How is the district designated?It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, maintained by the U S Department of the Interior. Nominated by the State Historic Preservation Officer.It is designated by the Town of Wilton as part of its ordinance making process.
Governing BodyNoneWilton Historic District and Historic Property Commission
Authority over proposed changes to structures in the districtOnly in the case of demolition: the owner of a demolished property which contributed to the architectural and/or historic significance of the district must add the demolition expenses and losses to the cost of the land and capitalize them rather than deduct the demolition costs as a loss on his/her federal tax return in the year of the demolition.Authorized to consider the appropriateness of any proposed changes to the exterior viewed from the street of any structure or any man-made feature within the district. A Certificate of Appropriateness, issued by the Historic District and Historic Property Commission, is required before any exterior portion of any building may be erected, altered, restored, or moved. In the case of proposed demolition, the Commission is authorized to delay for up to 90 days the effective date of a Certificate of Appropriateness authorizing demolition.
Protection afforded to historic resources of the district by designation.Limited protection from adverse effects of federally funded, licensed, or assisted projects.The Historic District and Historic Property Commission has significant controls over the actions of private and public property owners in the district through a review process in order to protect the architectural and historic significance of the district as a whole. This helps to protect the property values of the district property owners.