Coronavirus Update- 9 New Cases, How to Help Keep Our Schools In-Person and Our Spread Down, Move Right and Single File on Trails & Case Data

November 9th –As a community our number one pandemic goal is to slow the spread of the virus as we await a vaccine.  Our number two goal is to maximize in-person education for our students.  

There is no documented evidence of the virus spreading from person to person within our schools. Positive members of the school community contacted the virus outside of the schools. Our protocols, including mask wearing and quarantining after exposure, appear to be effective.  

Schools are not the problem.  But, a consequence of a positive student or staff member is that a large number of students and staff are required to be out of school and in quarantine because of exposure. 110 members of the school community are in quarantine. As such, reducing the need to quarantine is critical if we are to be successful in maximizing in-person education. 

According to national and state health officials, the number one source of spread is unmasked gatherings between non household members.  Unmasked gatherings include restaurant dining, “dining” which is really just drinking, weddings, birthday parties, dinner parties and similar events. Specifically in Wilton, cases impacting schools are due to sports participation, private gatherings and exposure through a family member.  

So, what can you do to help reduce the community spread and the number of students and staff in quarantine? Avoid, stop or reduce behavior that is fueling the spread.  Instead, behave as if you have the virus and those around you do as well.

Masks are a highly effective means to protect yourself and others.  Please, wear one when required. We are stepping up mask wearing education and enforcement:  

  • Masks are required at restaurants unless you are dining.  Meaning they are required unless you are actually eating or drinking.  If you are seated waiting for your meal to arrive or you are lingering at the table after your meal is eaten, you should be wearing a mask.  If you meet someone for coffee and sit for an hour, you should be wearing a mask unless you are actually drinking the coffee.  
  • For the same health reasons, you should wear masks for residential dining with members outside your immediate household. 
  • Masks are required at weddings and other events held at commercial venues. 
  • Masks are required any time you can’t maintain a minimum of 6 feet of social distance. 
  • Marks are required when passing another individual even when biking or running.  Wear a mask that is easy to pull up for the 6 feet before and after passing.  

Youth Sports

Today, CT’s DPH Commissioner issued new sports guidance in response to the increased spread from youth sports.  They include, among others:

  • Indoor high risk sports:  conditioning only.
  • Indoor moderate risk sports:  mask wearing for all participants, including during active play. 
  • Indoor low risk sports:  mask wearing for all participants, including during active play, with exceptions for sports where athletes are not expected to be in close contact.
  • Multi-state teams or competition:  Suspend.

Wilton sports groups are expected to contact Parks and Recreation Director Steve Pierce with revised proposed return to play protocols.  Wilton’s Health Director and WPS personnel will work together on revised school sports protocols. 

NRVT and Town-Owned Trails:

Trail users are now required to stay right and in single file when passing alongside another user on the trail.  This applies whether walking, running or biking.  New signage is being created.

Today the Governor issued Executive Order 9L, which extends previous executive orders to February 9th.

The following is data from today’s CT DPH report versus Friday’s November 6th report:

  • Wilton:  9 new cases reported. Known ages ranged from 12 to 70.  347 cases YTD.
  • Statewide3,338 new cases3.72% of new tests reported were positive.  81,463 cases YTD
  • Fairfield County1,217 new cases.  27,652 cases YTD.
  • Hospitalized PatientsStatewide496, with a  94-net patient increaseFairfield County142, with a 32-net patient increase.
  • DeathsStatewide, 27.  Fairfield County, 2.  Wilton -1, correction of town assignment.

Please follow the four W’s: 

  • Watch your distance
  • Wear a mask/face covering when you can’t maintain 6 feet of distance whether indoors or outside
  • Walk, run or bike to the right in single file when passing another person on the NRVT, sidewalks and trails
  • Wash your hands

Lynne Vanderslice

First Selectwoman