Coronavirus Update- Case Data

November 27th-I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I twisted my ankle. Seemed fitting for this year.  

The following is data from today’s CT DPH report versus Wednesday's November 25th report:

  • Wilton:  9 new cases reported. 456 cases YTD.  
  • Statewide:  3,429 new cases.  4.81% of new tests reported were positive.  112,581 cases YTD.
  • Fairfield County 1,034 new cases.  37,071 cases YTD.
  • Hospitalized PatientsStatewide1,017 with a 49-net patient increaseFairfield County301, with a 9-net patient increase.
  • DeathsStatewide, 4,961 with 35 new deaths.  Fairfield County, 1,491 with 3 new deaths.  Wilton, 43, with no new deaths.

Reminder, the Transfer Station holiday schedule begins tomorrow.  It will be open tomorrow and every Saturday through January 2nd, except for December 26th. 

Please, behave as if you have the virus and as if those around you do as well.

5 W’s

  • Watch your distance
  • Wear a mask/face covering when you can’t maintain 6 feet of distance whether indoors or outside
  • Walk, run or bike to the right in single file when passing another person on the NRVT, sidewalks and trails
  • Wait to host indoor gatherings
  • Wash your hands

If you have a question, please email me at

Lynne Vanderslice

First Selectwoman