SP#481141 Danbury RoadMulti-family residential useFILE DOCUMENTS
   Application Pkg
   All Plans
   Engineering Rpt (Rev. 7-15-21)
   Traffic Statement
   Fire Marshal Memo (8-4-21)
   Resumes Package (08-10-21)
   DPW Report (09-09-21)
   Letter of support (Reda)
   Letter of support (Fiore)
   Letter of support (Caggainello)
   Letter of opposition (Davison)
   Letter (Moscowitz)
   DPW Report (09-17-21)
   Letter of support (Kaplan)
   Letters of support (rec'd 09-21-21)
   Response letter to staff comments (9-21-21)
   Letter (Lin)
   ARB Findings, Recommendation (6-3-21 Meeting)
   Letter - ARB Referral of Revised Design - 10-1-21
   Fire Marshal Memo  08-25-21
   Revised Plans (10-08-21)
   Peer Traffic Review by NV5 (09-29-21)
   Letter of support  10-07-21
   Letter of support (rec'd 10-18-21)
   Narrative Mat'ls & Reports 10-19-21
   Civil Plans Revised   10-15-21
   Landscape Plans Revised - rec'd 10-20-21
   Letters of support (rec'd 10-19-21)
   Architecturals (A.01-A.27)  10-15-21
   ARB Findings, Recommendations (10-07-21 Meeting)
   Letter of support  10-20-21
   Letter of support2   10-20-21
   Email (rec'd 10-21-21)
   Letter of opposition (10-25-21)
   DPW email  (10-25-21)
   Extension Letter  (10-25-21)
   NV5 Closeout Memo  11-01-21
   Inland Wetlands Report  10-29-21
   Proposed revisions to building  11-4-21
   Applicant Presentation to PZC  10-25-21
   Approval Resolution