Clarification on Yesterday's Notice Regarding the January 9th Town Vote

Apologies for the double mailing, but please note the following clarification on yesterday's post:

To encourage public participation and satisfy the requirement that 50 members attend the Special Town Meeting to approve breweries in the Town of Wilton on January 9, 2024, it is anticipated that the Board of Selectmen will move the vote to the Annual Town Meeting in May. Town electors and non-resident citizens who pay taxes on property assessed at $1,000 or more will be eligible to vote. Further details on the time and place will be forthcoming. Any immediate questions may be directed to the First Selectman's Office at the email listed below.

Good Evening, Wilton. The following is an important notice about a change in the Special Town Meeting scheduled for January 9th, 2024:

To encourage public participation and satisfy the requirement that 50 members attend the Special Town Meeting to approve breweries in the Town of Wilton on January 9, 2024, it is anticipated that the Board of Selectmen will move the vote to the Annual Town Meeting in May.  Town electors and non-resident citizens who pay $1,000 or more in property taxes will be eligible to vote. Further details on the time and place will be forthcoming. Any immediate questions may be directed to the First Selectman's Office: Toni.Boucher@WILTONCT.ORG

Best wishes for a safe and happy weekend.

Toni BoucherFirst Selectman, Wilton