Coronavirus Update-New Cases, Public Emergency Extended, Storm Debris & Detailed Case Data

September 1st – Today, Wilton’s Health Director was informed of three new cases as a result of testing performed within the last few days.  Today’s CT DPH report, which was as of 8:30 p.m. yesterday, did not include those cases.   The report reflected no change to Wilton cases.

The following are other highlights from the CT DPH August 31st report versus the CT DPH August 30th report: 

  • Statewide:  127 new cases. .66% of tests performed reported positive.
  • Hospitalized Patients: Statewide, 4-net patient increase. Fairfield County, 1-net patient decrease.
  • Deaths: Statewide, 1 death. Fairfield Country, 1 death.

Today, the Governor executed a renewal of the existing public health emergency and civil preparedness emergencies throughout the State until February 9, 2021. 

As previously announced, town DPW personnel do not remove storm debris placed on the side of the road by residents.  Any of you that have done so, please remove and dispose of appropriately.  Many street signs have gone missing.  Streets signs are town-owned property.  If discovered on your property, please to DPW.  If you or a member of your household would like a road sign, they are available for purchase through the DPW department.

Detailed Case Data:

The CT Data Center reported the following or Wilton as of 8:30 p.m. August 31st and versus the dates prior to the start of Phase 1 and Phase 2:

  • 248 cases, 41 additional since June 16th and 48 since May 19th.
  • 3,673 residents tested, 2,523 since June 16th and 2,923 since May 19th.
  • 5,055 tests performed, 3,603 since June 16th .
  • 42 deaths, 1 since June 16th and 5 since May 19th.

CT DPH reported the following for Fairfield County and Statewide as of 8:30 p.m. August 31st:

  • 18,939 cases, 2,588 additional since 6/16      53,006 cases, 7,577 additional since 6/16
  • 1,415 deaths, 63 additional since 6/16           4,466 deaths, 247 additional since 6/16
  • 13 hospitalized, 55 less than 6/16                   56 hospitalized, 130 less than 6/16

As a reminder, I am now providing two updates a week, generally on Mondays and Thursday.  I provide additional updates when there is a change in Wilton cases or when the Governor issues an executive order with widespread impact or when there is a matter of significant impact, such as the recent Tropic Storm. 

If you have any questions, the fastest way to reach me is through email at  If you tag me on Facebook, it will get lost within the high volume of notices I receive from Facebook.  

Lynne Vanderslice

First Selectwoman