Coronavirus Update-New Executive Order on Masks and Gathering Sizes, Travel Advisory Changes and Fines, School Year Childcare, Comstock Internet Center, Election, Stolen and Damaged Signs & Detailed Case Data

August 14th – Highlights from the CT DPH report as of 8:30 p.m. Thursday August 13th versus the day before:

  • Wilton: no additional cases reported. 
  • Statewide: test positive rate was 1.1%. 
  • Hospitalized Patients: Statewide, 7-net patient decrease. Fairfield County, 4-net patient increase.  
  • Deaths: Statewide, 3 deaths. 

Today, at the Governor’s request, Acting Governor Bysiewicz issued Executive Order 7NNN, which provides:

  • Modifications to face covering requirements: This order replaces Executive Order No. 7BB, which required the wearing of face coverings in public places in Connecticut, with a similar order that requires anyone declining to wear a mask or face covering because of a medical condition to have documentation of the condition. It also contains provisions for people with disabilities to obtain such documentation without facing a significant burden.
  • Permission for DECD Commissioner to establish size limits for private gatherings: Permits the Commissioner of DECD to issue or amend Sector Rules to establish size limits for private gatherings of people who do not live in the same household, regardless of whether such gathering has been organized by a business.”

There wasn’t an accompanying explanation as to the involvement of the Lt. Governor.  This weekend we expect to receive an update from the Commissioner of the DECD. 

This week the following changes were made to the locations affected by the CT travel advisory:

  • Added:  Hawaii, South Dakota and Virgin Islands
  • Removed:  Rhode Island, Alaska, New Mexico, Ohio and Washington.

The state began issuing $1,000 fines to individuals who didn't complete the required travel form.

The Parks and Recreation Department will be offering school day remote-learning childcare and afterschool care. Look for details next week.

Power has been fully restored.  Only a small number of residents are without internet, cable or phone. The Comstock Indoor WiFi Center is open tonight until 8:30 p.m. Afterwhich, it will no longer be offered.  Outdoor WiFi continues to be available.

Tuesday’s primary was a precursor to the November election. We are confident in the Town Clerk’s and the Registrars’ abilities to again provide smooth in-person and secure absentee ballot voting in November.  

Throughout the pandemic, individuals have stolen, removed or damaged signs placed by the town. We assume this is being done in protest or anger.  Please be advised, that removing or damaging a sign won’t have any impact on decision making.  The only impact will be to cause the Town to waste taxpayer monies on sign replacements.  Please consider showing your opposition in a manner that doesn’t negatively impact your fellow community members. . 

Detailed Case Data:

The CT Data Center reported the following for Wilton as of 8:30 p.m. August 13th and versus the dates prior to the start of Phase 1 and Phase 2:

  • 243 cases, 36 additional since June 16th and 43 since May 19th.
  • 3,063 residents tested, 1,913 since June 16th and 2,313 since May 19th.
  • 4,109 tests performed, 2,657 since June 16th .
  • 42 deaths, 1 since June 16th and 5 since May 19th.

CT DPH reported the following for Fairfield County and Statewide as of 8:30 p.m. August 13th:

  • 18,160 cases, 1,779 additional since 6/16      50,897 cases, 5,468 additional since 6/16
  • 1,4010 deaths, 58 additional since 6/16         4,453 deaths, 234 additional since 6/16
  • 17 hospitalized, 51 less than 6/16                   56 hospitalized, 130 less than 6/16

“You have to have responsibility for yourself but also a societal responsibility that you’re getting infected is not just you in a vacuum.” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.  

If you have any questions, the fastest way to reach me is through email at  If you tag me on Facebook, it may get lost within the high volume of notices I receive.   

Lynne Vanderslice

First Selectwoman