Revaluation Letters

Good Afternoon, Wilton.

We’re sending out this important notice to update the community on the schedule for the state-mandated property revaluation that is currently underway. We had previously announced that the new valuation notices would be mailed to property owners by mid-December. Due to the complexity of changes in the real estate market, however, we are devoting a few extra days with our vendor to review and ensure the accuracy of the values. We expect to complete this process and have the valuation notices mailed no later than the end of the month.

Once the valuation notices are issued, all property owners will have an opportunity to meet with representatives from our vendor, Vision Government Solutions, to ask questions about how your values were derived. Informal hearings will be held at the Comstock Community Center from January 8th through the 19th. An appointment will be necessary! The phone number to call to reserve a time will be contained in the assessment letter going out in late December.

It is extremely important that all property owners understand that the new valuations do not necessarily mean that your property taxes will rise. We strongly encourage you not to estimate your taxes based on this new assessment. Tax rates will only be finalized this spring after a thorough budget process when all numbers are calculated.

Thank you for your patience as we carefully monitor these revaluations. Our primary concern is that all new assessments are accurate and fair. We have therefore proceeded with deliberate care, giving this process the appropriate time that it needs.

In the meantime, I wish everyone in Wilton a happy, healthy, safe and enjoyable holiday season.

Toni Boucher

First Selectwoman